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Titanium implants in spine provide Canadian freediver Jill Yoneda second chance to pursue her passion

Carrie Yoneda, 38, of Langley, is a freediver that has had surgery on her fretboard to repair three ruptured disks.

Spinal flexibility is best in the sport, during which a athlete takes a huge drink of air and swims deep down in the ocean or perhaps way out in a pool ln, using one fin to move herself with her arms expanded past her head. Yet another aspect of the sport is called static apnea, or simply holding a person's breath.

She made the Canadian team in 2006, '08 and 2012 and has used three world records for the dynamic apnea, the pool Nike Store frolic in the water. Her personal best is actually 150 Louis Vuitton Belt metres, and she is capable of holding her breath for five minutes and 35 seconds.

Freediving has the attendant risk of power failures, heart attacks, oxygen poisoning in addition to drowning. But it was Yoneda's degenerative disc disease that nearly stopped the woman's career at 38.

"The hypothesis is because I've been a competitive swimmer gaming and diving for so lengthy, it could just be wear and tear," she said. One doctor said she had the spine of the 80 year old.

Another shared with her to start living a life more desirable to her age aggravating, she said, because "I did not think 38 was a vintage age."

But rather than give up her beloved sport, a neurosurgeon at Victoria General Hospital proposed a new treatment upon viewing an MRI scan: rather than combining the bones together, they could try disc implant between vertebra 5 6 and 6 7. He surgically inserted two 14 millimetre titanium alternative discs made by Ontario company Medtronic that allowed Yoneda to hold on to her range of motion. Within ninety days of the surgery, she took part at the world championships in Nice, France. The scar issues are minimal and she can stop taking pain narcotics immediately following the surgery.

"Disc replacements are supposed to preserve motion, so the neck could still move commonly and not strain the other vertebrae," Dr. John Solar said in a phone appointment from Vancouver Island.

The treatment of Yoneda was a first for Ugg Australia Sale your ex as well; most of his affected individuals have just one disc improvement. Yoneda eventually had three: a couple last Nike Shoes May and a lastly in March of this twelve months between vertebra 4 5 after a relapse.

"Dr. Sun was the very first surgeon to actually sit down and consider my passion and the sport and try to come up with a professional medical resolution to allow me to continue my sport, and I really appreciate that about them," Yoneda said. event come july 1st.