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The shaky business of childcare and past classes

Australians seem, on the whole, to generally be happiest when our federal government is quietly taking charge of things without really bothering people with the ins and outs. We like this best when it acts like benevolent parents, efficiently clearing our messes, footing the invoices and occasionally splashing out on the unusual treat. But much like we expect of parents, we expect the government to acquire Beats By Dre it right and Louis Vuitton Singapore without uncomfortable us too much.

Perhaps for this reason the Julia/Kevin spectacle irked us so much (mum and dad fighting?) and why seeing Tony a2z in his Speedos makes us cringe (''Mum, father's being Nike Free Run embarrassing again!'').

Parents are also supposed to act inside our interests. We expect them to get long memories of our misdemeanours as well as Mont Blanc Pens Singapore put limits in place to make certain that we don't make the same blunder twice.

The Australian government cleaned up and paid the harm bill for one childcare wreck after that spectacular failure with publicly listed provider, Xyz Learning. Will the listing of the new childcare company about the stock exchange mean another harm bill for the country?